What I Should Have Said/Done

Sorry I haven’t posted. I’ve been very very lazy busy. I’ve been making my recovery a priority so I’ve been resting in between bouts of unbalanced housecleaning. Since my last post I’ve realized that I should have kept more of a journal about my pelvic injury and called it “The Fanny Diaries”. Perfect, right?

I’ve also decided that I need more of a format for my blog. So I’ve decided that Mondays will be the new “You Know You’re _______ When…” days and like David Letterman I will provide a topic and my personal top ten. Commenters will be welcome to add their own.

Tuesdays will become “Question of the Week” day where I give you the top question that’s been plaguing me lately.

Wednesdays, like I’ve seen other places, will be “Wordless Wednesdays” where I’ll share the picture that’s impacted me the most one way or another that week.

I’m still thinking about this so those are the only three I have right now, but every day will be something different. (I’m taking suggestions.)

And right now I have to go because my chef has my dinner ready and a movie waiting. 🙂

Oh…and yes, my fanny seems to be functioning much better now.

6 thoughts on “What I Should Have Said/Done

  1. I go away for three weeks and look what happens! Well, what the hell DID happen? I thought my life was a bitch lately, but at least my butt is still intact!Please fill me in, Elisa!xoxo,J.


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