
What was that I just said? About being 70% potty trained? Uh-huh. “70% potty trained, depending on her attitude” is what I should have said.

Yesterday, I kid you not. She didn’t care where she was or what she was or was not wearing. She just peed on the spot. She didn’t even say “uh-oh” or announce it like usual. She made absolutely NO move to get to the potty. She peed on the kitchen floor, pooped on the living room carpet, peed on my bed (through the comforter which doesn’t fit in my washer or dryer, sheets and mattress), peed on a kitchen chair (upholstered) and while she was sitting on the couch.

I put her in diapers because oh. my.god.

I saw this potty training quiz and took it this morning. According to that she is ready and should be working on potty training. No one mentioned that a good item to have on hand during potty training is the Bissell Spotbot. >insert frustrated mommy icon here<


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