Love Is In The Air

This morning my guy left early to help a friend with a plumbing issue. He wasn’t home when the baby and I woke up and was gone another couple of hours. When he came home I was online with my SIL and had just put the baby in bed for her morning nap.

He told me I needed to run to the clothing store around the corner and tell them who I am. (?? The HELL–??) Then he pulled a gift certificate out of his pocket and told me I have a hair appointment tomorrow morning. (The HELL–??)

Confused, I showered, dressed and walked to the clothing store and told them who I am. The woman there told me my guy stopped in and bought a gift certificate for me. She said “You have x dollars, the ladies pants are on sale and your section is right there.”

I walked away with two summer tops and a pair of khaki shorts (need shorts). One of the tops is a white Donna Karan. It was $40, I got it for $5. 😀

When I came home I modeled my new clothes (which garnered hearty approval) and my guy and I watched a movie together. Then I laid down for a nap. The baby was up FIVE TIMES last night and I was worn out. He said he had the baby and just rest.

Apparently he was tired too. When I woke up he went to take a nap. I watched the baby and she didn’t lay down until almost 11:30. I laid her down at 7:30 (bedtime) and she only napped. Hopefully she’ll stay out all night and we’ll be back to normal in the morning.

I have to find something for me to eat, then I’m off to bed. I have a hair appointment in the morning.


5 thoughts on “Love Is In The Air

  1. Well, just look at you, girl, in your fancy new clothes and sexy hair!I haven't had a haircut since before we left, and I look like I stuck my tongue in an outlet. It's just shocking!


  2. I had a "store" haircut last fall…before that…not for years. (I cut my own.) It's hard to do the back though, so I think I'm just going to have her layer it to give it some body. (It's dead straight and very fine.) But it'll be someone else and also a set. Maybe I'll get him to spring for a curling iron so I can be pretty every day. LOLHowever, the salon I'm going to gets A LOT of old women in there…so I told him if I come home with an old lady cottonball perm…. He laughed and said no perm. Just a cut and set.We'll see! 🙂


  3. Ooooooh you look fabulous dahhllingg!!! hehehe ^_^…how sweet of your guy!! Enjoy it all Elisa and have a lovely weekend!! *waves to Abigail!*Xx


  4. Very sweet! When guys want to do something nice for their partner I always say, forget the flowers and chocolate, clean the house, or put the kids to bed, or in your case, let her go out and enjoy some time alone. And if you add in new clothes and a haircut, that's just an added bonus!


  5. LOL When I locate the camera I'll take a pic. I'm all fluffed and styled and purty.Sai, in my case, you can't tell me to "go have some time to yourself". I have no idea what to do. It's not relaxing wandering aimlessly. :/ And I love whatever he does to surprise me. Surprise flowers are nice, stopping at the gas station on the way home and bringing me a pkg of ho-hos is nice, cleaning the kitchen so I don't have to is nice. I'm happy no matter what. But the clothes and hair are indeed a bonus. :)Thanks for reading guys!


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